Achieving Excellence Together

‘Passion Changes Everything’

BHB Academy

‘Passion Changes Everything’

BHB Academy offers a high level of teaching in hairdressing, barbering, and beauty qualifications


At BHB Academy we are not just about qualifications, we’re about YOU. This is why we offer a hands-on learning experience that prepares you for the real-life expectations of employment in your chosen industry. Further training opportunities like competition work and photoshoots add to your knowledge and skill gained at BHB Academy.

At BHB Academy, we assure you that you are receiving the very best in education. This is assured as BHB holds the highest ranking of category one provider and is rated excellent in all capabilities of self-assessment and educational performance.

We welcome you to be a part of the BHB whanau and look forward to taking you on your journey to discover the amazing world of barbering, hairdressing, and beauty.


BHB Academy operates from a purpose-built facility that houses a fully-equipped salon, barbershop, and makeup space. All sites run commercially for authentic assessment situations where students experience hands-on learning every day.

  • NZQA Catagory 1 Provider – Excellent in all capabilities

  • Member of Independent Tertiary Education New Zealand (ITENZ)


“Education with Passion & Purpose”

‘Te mātauranga whai mana, whai tikanga’

We will continue to grow as a professional and customer-focused organisation, providing excellent education and training in an inclusive environment, and connecting learners to industry and employment”

“Ka tipu tonu te taumata o te Rangatiratanga me te manaakitanga o tēnei kura, ā, ka whakarato tonutia te mātauranga tiketike, me te whakangūngū hoki i te ākonga i te taiao ngākau tapatahi me te tūhono anō hoki i a ia ki te ao pākihi.”

Integrity – Ngākau Tapatahi
At BHB Academy we build self-confidence, positive attitudes, and motivation. We pride ourselves on creating a non-judgmental, nurturing space to allow our people to make a difference in the lives of themselves and others.

Ko tā te BHB Academy he whakatupu i te ngākau titikaha, i te ngākau pai, i te ngākau hihiko ki roto ki tēnā ki tēnā. Ko tā tātou he whai i te ara whakawā-kore, kia tupu matomato te tangata i tōna anō ao.

Connection – Ngākau Whakakotahi
At BHB Academy we empower each other by celebrating inclusiveness, unity, and connection through having a voice that is heard, expressed, and valued.

Ko te aronga matua a BHB Academy he whakanui i te kotahitanga, he tuitui i te tangata, kia mōhio te tangata he mana tō te reo.

Teamwork – Ngākau Mahitahi

BHB is a Whanau that celebrates and encourages responsibility to impact the team positively. We believe that success is not that of the individual but of many and we stand strong together as we collaborate and support each other on our journeys.

He whānau a BHB e kaha whakanui ana, e āki ana i te ngākau pai. E whakapono ana mātou, kia angitu ai te tangata, me tū ngātahi, kia kaha ake te mahi tahi, kia kaha ake te tautoko i tēnā, i tēnā, I tōna ake ara.

Empowerment – Ngākau Whakatupu
At BHB Academy we are passionate about personal and professional growth by nurturing ideas and inspiring excellence. We embrace a holistic approach to empower all individuals to succeed and encourage others to shine through knowledge and creativity.

E manawawera ana a BHB Academy ki te whakawhanake i te tangata, ki te whakatupu matomato i ngā whakairo kia eke ki tōna panekiretanga. He torowhānui tā tātou aro, he whakamana I te tangata ki te tutuki I ōna wawata, kia kanapu ai ia me ōna mātauranga.

Quality – Ngākau Kōunganui
At BHB Academy we strive for excellence, believe in quality education, value transparency, accountability, and reliably produce high outcomes for our stakeholders by being flexible and adapting to our team and industry needs.

Ko tā BHB he eke ki te panekiretanga, he whakapono ki te kounga o te mātauranga, kia puta ai te kounga o ngā mahi ki te hunga whaipānga.

BHB Academy incorporates cultural values and focuses on a holistic approach that acknowledges the physical, spiritual, mental, and whanau dynamics of a person as a whole. It is our goal to ensure our learning environment, student support initiatives, teaching, and learning practices meet the educational needs of our Maori learners.

BHB Academy is committed to being responsive to Maori as Tangata Whenua (Maori – People of the land), recognising the Treaty of Waitangi as New Zealand’s founding document

Article One – Kawanatanga – The principle of kawanatanga stems from article 1 of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and is used to describe the concept of governance.

For BHB Academy it relates to our obligation to provide good governance for the Academy as a whole and to act reasonably and in good faith. In particular, as an expression of New Zealand’s Treaty relationship, good governance extends to all dealings with Maori people and practices, including BHB Academy’s Maori staff, students, and stakeholders

Article Two – Tino Rangatiratanga – The principle of rangatiratanga recognises Maori autonomy and self-determination, as guaranteed in Article 2.

For BHB Academy this relates to ensuring we nurture and maintain Maori stakeholder relationships to ensure Maori influence in decision making. BHB Academy will ensure that there is Maori representation in student leadership positions and supports events where Tikanga Maori (Maori culture practice) prevails and where students and staff can engage with matauranga (Maori knowledge), Te Reo Maori (Maori language), and Tikanga Maori (Maori culture practice

Article Three – Oritetanga – The principle of oritetanga from article 3 of Te Tiriti o Waitangi guarantees equity between Maori individuals and other New Zealanders.

BHB Academy prides itself on an all-inclusive environment where all students gain equal opportunities to succeed. BHB Academy also understands that Maori learners’ success is wider than individual gain, therefore whanau and community engagement and wrap-around support are maintained to ensure individual success. The concept tuakana teina is nurtured to ensure Maori learner success. This wrap-around support ensures our Maori students are supported and excel in achievement.

Pastoral Care Statement – Ngākau Haumaru

BHB Academy endeavours to have a positive impact on students’ wellbeing and provide opportunities for personal development in an inclusive and supportive learning environment that places value on student voice.

Ko tā BHB Academy he nanaiore kia pai ai te whakaaweawe i te oranga o te tauira, kia huaki anō hoki i ngā tatau ki kaupapa kē atu e whanake ai te tauira I tōna ao.

Join BHB Academy today

 ‘Passion changes Everything’